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The whole Event was expertly captured on Drone Footage by Photographer and Videographer G Humphreys of :  Ffotograffiaeth GH Photography


We were thrilled to be supported again this year by the Ruthin Convoy of lights, organised by Phil Hazel. The event sees approximately 150 trucks, decorated with lights, convoy around Ruthin. It has become the highlight for Many of the Truckers and Residents alike! 
Last year we were unable to attend as the date clashed with our Panto Trip, so I was determined to make the most of it this year and went along to support. The event was a huge success, with Incredibly generous Goody bags for every driver, donated by Scania, and supported by local companies too. 
The effort that was put into cleaning and decorating the trucks was absolutely amazing, and a great time was had by all! 
A huge thank you to Phil., for choosing to support us again. 


Convoy of Lights

Toybox Appeal 2024 Round up! 

Grab a cuppa and take a seat, because this round up is going to be a long one! 

Firstly, it would be absolutely impossible to individually Thank Everybody who helped to make the Toybox appeal 2024 so successful. There were simply Hundreds of supporters who made it happen! From the people who physically turned up to volunteer, the people who left donations at public drop off points, the businesses who chose to host collections and of course their employees who all donated so generously. There were private fundraisers, public events and everything in between! Together we made Christmas happen for over 2050 Children and Young people across North Wales, which is just phenomenal.

It is incredibly sad to see an increase in the demand for support, with so many more families struggling to provide even a basic Christmas for their Children, with last years Number being just over 1800. 
The feedback received from the referring agencies was very positive, with reports of so many emotional, relieved parents being incredibly grateful of the gifts. We can only hope that we picked well, and managed to choose toys and gifts that suited each child and their likes. 

The decision to include Fleecy PJs or a blanket hoody with each bag, despite starting well, became quite difficult during the packing of the last few hundred bags. We seemed to be frequently running out of certain sizes, and struggling to re stock Teen boys / Small adults sizes at reasonable cost and availability. Despite the issues, there were only a hand full of bags that had to leave us without any and We hope that the cosy Pyjamas will continue to keep Children warm during the approaching cold spell that we are due here! 

As most of our readers will be aware, North Wales Superkids is run entirely by volunteers, and this year we certainly couldn't have coped without the incredible people who gave up their time to help. With some very long days (and nights!) we were so honoured to have so many friendly faces come through the door to get stuck in with the packing and also head off to help with collections! Deeside round table, Deeside Ladies circle and Alyn & Deeside XRTs were unbelievable throughout, and we had the privilege meeting so many of their members this year, they make a very efficient packing team!  

We also had the pleasure of having some local companies in to help with the packing, Construction company Wilmott Dixon gave up 4 days to join us, Lisa from Abergele based KHS mechanical ltd, and of course the wonderful team at Alkegen, who have been our biggest supporters this year! Not just during the toybox appeal, but throughout the year, so it was a pleasure to have them back to do some Packing with us and to see the results of their hard work being put to good use (Seen further down the page). 

Aside from the support for the cause, I would like to Thank Everybody who has offered kind words and encouragement to Me personally (Jade). It is daunting to take on the responsibility of looking after such a well loved charity, and even more so following the passing of our wonderful founder, Margaret Williams MBE, so it is reassuring to know that We are still doing great work, and that more people than ever want to get involved, to help and support. 

It has been an absolutely overwhelming 14 months, not without some hiccups, but We made it through! We hope that You will all continue to support us for many years to come and together we can continue to make a difference to the lives of Children and Young people throughout North Wales. 

Looking forward into 2025, we have many exciting new events planned. 
We will also soon be opening up our Holiday project to Sponsorship, giving local groups and businesses the opportunity to sponsor a weeks holiday in our caravan for a Family in need. If You think this may be of interest to You, do not hesitate to contact us Via our Form, or  

As previously mentioned, I cannot possibly Thank everybody individually, but please know that We are so so grateful! 

And with that, All that is left to do, is to wish You all a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year, from Myself and our Team at North Wales Superkids. Thank You. 


Bedroom 1.jpg

2024 Holiday Project

Our Holiday project enables Families to enjoy a Free holiday in our Caravan situated on Hafan Y Mor, Pwllheli. 
We were frustratingly not able to open the caravan until May, due to issues with Barclays bank, but we were still able to allocate 20 Holidays to Families who each enjoyed a full week break in our Lovely Caravan, 
The feedback from each family was so heart warming, and we are so glad that they all had a wonderful time, enjoying some much needed Respite. 

Proudly supported by Alkegen 

Community impact day 

Local company Alkegen, have been so incredibly supportive of us this year, and we are so grateful for their continued support. 
During the chaos of Christmas 2023, two lovely chaps came through our door with a huge donation of toys collected from Alkegen employees. They asked us what they could possibly do to help, and we told them about some of the issues we were facing and what we thought we may be able to do to change them. 
Fast forward to 2024, and Alkegen kindly allowed their Process engineer, Nathan, to develop our NEW online referral form. It has turned out better than we could have ever imagined and we cannot express how grateful we are to Nathan for producing it and of course being patient enough to teach us how to use it! 
In addition to this, Alkegen chose to spend time with us for their community impact Days. Over 2 days, 2 Fantastic teams of employees came over to HQ and carried out an incredible amount of work to give the Unit a Face lift! 
Our new bays have been the answer to our prayers! Freshly painted walls and doors, New lighting, Some general repairs and cleaning (inside and outside!) and lots of re-arranging shelving and fixings! 

We cannot thank the whole team enough for their continued support, and we look forward to working with them in the future.  

A special effort to make a difference. 

This incredible pair are Peter and Jenny, a local couple who have supported
North Wales Superkids for a number of years with Toy donations. 

In 2023, they decided instead of spending £100 on Toys, they would
spend £100 on raw materials and make some little Wooden Gonks, Snowmen and Christmas trees, to sell and use the proceeds to buy Toys for the toybox appeal. 

They rented a shelf at The Craft Shed, which is a local business situated on the Abakhan site in Mostyn. 

Their items were incredibly popular, and in 2023 they raised over £650 to spend on Toys! 

They have continued to make and sell their items and have picked up Toys and gifts throughout the year.

Here are some of their donations from the funds raised this year! We think that You will agree that they are a truly incredible team, and we can not Thank them enough for their continued support. 

2024 so far. 

It is now October, and the countdown to Christmas has now really begun! 
It has been a very busy year for us so far, with many changes taking place to enable the Charity to run more smoothly, and to make our unit more organised in order to hopefully have a very successful toybox appeal. 

During the Summer holidays, we welcomed 4 learners from Ysgol Emrys Ap Iwan, to spend some time volunteering. They enjoyed learning about the running of the Charity, they were incredibly helpful in our unit, and even did some Christmas shopping. They then spent a day at a local fundraiser, where they helped to run our Hook a duck stall, and got involved with the other activities on the day. A real Credit to the School. 

The new referral form has gone out to local professionals and organisations, and the referrals have already started rolling in. It is a sad sign of what is to come, and the amount of families across North Wales who are struggling. 

We are looking forward to welcoming new Supporters and volunteers during the run up to Christmas, so if You are interested in getting involved, please get in touch! 

We recently ran a campaign to help us to take 100 Children / Families to the pantomime, and are looking forward to this taking place in December. A humongous Thank you goes to those who donated to this. 

We have had some incredible support from Alkegen, a Local company who have been wonderful in getting our new online referral system in place, and are looking forward to continuing to work alongside them in future. 

We also had a large donation of Teddies from the wonderful Build a Bear foundation, I hope that they will bring lots of comfort to the children who receive them in their Sacks this Christmas. 


Deganwy Prom Day 2024

We attended Deganwy Prom Day with our Bumper Tombola and Hook a Duck Stall, on a Very Sunny Saturday, 1st June. 
A huge thank you to all of the wonderful Volunteers who turned out to help us!
The event was so busy, and we raised a fantastic £446.70 
Thank you to everyone who supported and to Brighter Futures for the hire of their bus which enabled us to get our volunteers and equipment to the event! 


Deganwy Prom Day 24
Our stall at Deganwy Prom day 2024

Christmas 2023 recap.

We are incredibly proud to announce that despite many complications during the Christmas period,  and following the devastating passing of Margaret,  We pulled together with our wonderful supporters and volunteers who helped us to fulfil each and every referral. This meant over 1800 Children and young people in North Wales received Gifts to open on Christmas day.

We will never be able to give enough thanks to the people who are always so willing to get behind us and offer such incredible support to our Cause. 

To all of the generous Businesses who held collections, the people who sent gifts via our wishlist, donated at our drop off points and offered their time to volunteer, We couldn't have done it without you!








We also allocated seats for 6 children on our Santa Flight trip. Sadly one of the Children was poorly on the day, but 5 Very excited Children experienced the Magic of Childflight's Santa flight. We thank Jays 1st Class Travel for the transport and The Mold and Buckley rotary who very kindly agreed to cover the cost of the transport as we had no access to the Charity funds. 

The pantomime trip went ahead as planned, and 100 people came along to Enjoy the Show. The Sleeping Beauty rock and roll Panto is one that I am sure they will never forget! A Huge thank you to Ruthin lights parade who covered the cost of the Pantomime with their generous donation from their Event!

We are so grateful for the help offered to us to get through such a difficult period during the most important time of the year. 
We could simply not carry on supporting the Children and Families in crisis if it wasn't for the support we receive from such incredible people. 


Finley and Bearjamin 2023

Finleys Santa Dash


We are so grateful to Finley and all at Myddelton college for their support! 

Another incredible Santa Dash for the staff and learners at Myddelton College! This has now become an exciting annual event, with 2023 being the Third Santa Dash organised by Finley! We love coming along to see everyone take part, and Bearjamin the Fundraising Bear loves to come along to meet everyone too! 

Thank you Finley, You are an inspiration to us all! 

Finley and Bearjamin 2022

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